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3 Waters - I oppose the Government version of reform

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

I have regularly stated my opposition to the three waters reforms proposed by central Government. I publicly display a ‘stop three waters’ banner on my gate.

Napier, along with other Hawke’s Bay councils worked collaboratively to produce the ‘Hawke’s Bay Three Waters Business Case of Three Waters Services Delivery Options’.

This report quantifies the state of our three water networks and the cost of sustainable future ‘Local’ service delivery. Through this business case it was determined that a united Hawke’s Bay three water service would deliver more effectively and economically than the status quo of each council doing their own thing. The follow-up report clarified that the united Hawke’s Bay regional service delivery would cost less than what the Government is proposing.

If the Central Government three waters proposal proceeds, Napier residents will pay more for their three water services than if a united Hawke’s Bay model is adopted. Napier residents will lose their annual opportunity to comment on planned three waters budgets and priorities and lose their triennial democratic right to vote for who they want to govern their local three water systems.

If I were Mayor, I will continue Councils objection to Central Governments proposed reform and if those reforms are scrapped, I will work with other Hawke's Bay Mayors to create a Hawke's Bay 3 waters services entity, ensuring that our community continues to retain control of these assets and the priorities for network improvement and renewal programmes.

I believe a continuation of the annual opportunity for residents to publicly submit on 3 water annual plans and Long-Term-Plans will be an essential element of a local model.

Napier City Council joined Communities 4 Local Democracy a group of local Councils stimulated that are motivated by the 3 waters proposals and the way Central Government were conducting that process and increasingly alarmed by the speed and scale of other central government reforms. The Mayors of these member councils have meet in wellington to champion these concerns and hold discussions with ministers and officials making submission on government bills and reform.

in the articles linked below, where is your advocate? That's not a 'where's waldo' if she was there you know the photo opportunity wouldn't have been missed!

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