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Vote for better, vote to change the Mayor


Nigel Simpson here,

Please like and share my posts on Facebook.

Failed promises, the War Memorial, Chlorine and transparency.

Recently compelling reasons to change the Mayor have been made public; CEO & Senior staff leaving in droves, transparency (keeping secrets from residents in Parklands and Pirimai) and now staff disengagement at 73% and that’s just from the staff engaged enough to actually answer the survey. What would the result be if all disengaged staff had responded?

Please encourage dissatisfied residents to vote.

A huge over whelming percentage of residents have said they are not happy with the performance of the Mayor and Council, please encourage your Napier family, friends and associates to act by voting.

Apathy and low voter turnout generally leaves the incumbent in power, surely you don’t want another three years of failed promises, poor performance, lack of delivery and disengaged staff.

If you want a vibrant and progressive Napier (that’s with taking a cautious but proactive approach), I need to you to encourage as many residents as you can to vote for change.

You know I’m able to do a better job, it wouldn’t be hard!

Is this how you expect your elected Council to behave?

There is something seriously wrong in the leadership of an organisation when the CEO can’t even get information!

What else is going on that you don’t know about?

Since I first announced publicly that there were Leadership and Cultural issues revelation after revelation have kept coming, along with denials and claims of a cohesive united council - should you be worried?

Hell yeah!

Our campaign

By now nearly all letter boxes in Napier have received my campaign flyer.

Ads have appeared in several publications including 1/2 page in the last two Courier Newspapers.

The website content is growing as I add information, that latest is a FAQ section.

the mission now - find, like and share my facebook posts encourage the reluctant voters to vote for change, don’t let them say what’s the point, let them know you believe I’ll make a better Mayor and advocate for Napier

Announcement - Have you seen the latest article by Marty Sharp (Stuff) or Tom Kitchin (RNZ)?

Napier, if you care you’ll vote to change the Mayor.

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If you missed my previous media releases, here’s a link

Regards and thank you for your time

Nigel Simpson MBA MInstD

MAYORAL Candidate Napier election 2022 027 467 7661 This message was authorised by Nigel Simpson, Taradale, Napier 4138. Contact

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