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Apathy empowers some, especially those who seek power or authority and enables them to recruit their friends and allies to fill the void. It’s actually quite easy, if there aren’t enough nominations just phone a friend!!

The great part is the voting public generally don’t do their research and unless they’re prepared to troll through facebook or become embroiled in the community gossip they’ll never know the relationships that control discussion and decision making.

Shock horror democracy is vulnerable to wan-a-be demigods and public apathy encourages this.

The complainers complain but what is really needed is a contest for every seat. Believe it or not with several seats on offer in each ward area, if there are lots of nominations, discerning voters have the ability to elect a good mixed council. Some with community heart, some with analytical, some with business skills and interests.

Democracy is a great thing, when a community understand how to use it!

I wonder if apathy is encouraged by some councils that don't want scrutiny or change.

If I were Mayor I would be investigating methods of effective engagement. An option would be to host community sectorial fora inviting different sectorial groupings (like community and service organisations, or social services and government agencies, or tourism and hospitality operators, or commerce and industry or developers) to meet with council to share their sectors achievements or concerns and for council to express it's aspirations for Napier's wellbeing's, to identify how greater collaboration can be achieved and set out in future long term plans for better outcomes in Napier.

I'll say it as I see it, your view may differ and that is ok, so lets be respectful throughout this process.

So lets be nice about it.

Regards and best wishes

Nigel Simpson , Candidate for Mayor Napier City Council Elections 2022

This blog is approved by Nigel Simpson, Napier New Zealand - website -

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